There is a lot that everyday people can do to help make the world a safer place. Even the smallest tip can help solve a crime. One of the most important things that you can do to help fight crime is by calling the police when you think a potential crime has taken place or is about to take place. Reporting suspicious activity can get investigations moving earlier and faster, and even prevent other crimes from taking place. If you see something suspicious, it is important to do your part by calling the police and telling them what you saw. In addition to calling police, these other forms of citizen help are available to help ESPD to solve crime:
Excelsior Springs Tips/Comments
Use this electronic form to submit information regarding suspicious, nuisance and criminal activity to the Excelsior Springs Police Department. You may submit a tip anonymously.
Video Surveillance is a great crime deterrent and offers investigative leads in the event a crime does occur. Many homes and businesses have surveillance cameras installed. Often times the surveillance system might catch something useful when ESPD is investigating crimes. However, it may go unnoticed if the owner is unaware of the crime.
Once registered with WatchES, camera locations will be mapped for detectives and officers to easily see. In the event of a crime nearby they can then contact registrants to see if any possible evidence was captured. Someone from ESPD will then arrange to obtain the footage at a time that is convenient for you. ESPD would never have access to footage without your knowledge. Participation is 100% voluntary and you can opt out at any time.
All persons submitting tips remain anonymous and are eligible to receive a cash reward if the information given leads to an arrest or grand jury indictment of a felony offender.
The Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers , with its triangle of cooperation between the citizens, the media and law enforcement, is dedicated to putting criminals behind bars while building a foundation of trust and support. The goal of the Crime Stoppers Program is to make the streets safer for our families and neighborhoods.