Who We Are –
I decided to share a fun topic about who we are and what defines us based on the generation we represent. We live in a time of change, and nothing has changed more than how we receive information. I am most interested, of course, in your view of community and your view of how the community’s work gets done.
There are six living generations[1] in the Excelsior Springs community of 11,000 people. As a generalization each generation has different likes, dislikes, and attributes that could help us understand how to find common ground. This is us!
Birth Years
Likes, Dislikes, Attributes
Source of Information
Boom Lets – 14%
Have never known a world without computers and cell phones, have Eco-fatique, actually tired of hearing about the environment and the many ways to save it; less interested in toys and desire electronics, are savvy consumers.
Millennials – 28% of population
Starting college, careers and families. Respects authority, schedule everything, prefer to work in teams, assertive with strong views, envision the world as a 24/7 place, want fast/immediate processing, grew up being told we are special and we expect the world to treat us that way.
Gen X – 18% of community
Experienced in chosen professions, taking care of children and parents. Grew up latch-key children, very entrepreneurial, individualistic, government and big business mean little, want to save the neighborhood, not the world, cynical of many major institutions, commit to self rather than an organization or specific career; society envisioned as disposable, individual rights prevailing over the common good, want what we want and want it now; self-absorbed and suspicious of all organizations, cautious, skeptical, unimpressed with authority, and self-reliant.
TV and Internet
Baby Boomers – 25% of population
Experienced in chosen professions and starting to retire. Either out to save the world or party-hardy career climbers. The ME generation, self-centered, too busy for much neighborly involvement yet strong desire to reset or change the common values for the good of all, accepting, tend to be more positive about authority, hierarchal structure and tradition.
Silent Generation – 15% of community
Richest, most free spending retirees in history, have a strong sense of Trans-generational common values and near absolute truths, and are disciplined, self-sacrificing and cautious.
Like to read the newspaper & watch the nightly news
GI Generation – 2% of population
Saved the world and then built a nation, assertive and energetic do’ers, excellent team players, community minded, strongly interested in near absolute standards of right and wrong, strong sense of personal civic duty, vote, most grew up without modern conveniences like refrigerators, electricity and air conditioners. Likek to use it up, or fix it up.
[1] The Six Living Generations in America, Dr. Jill Novak, University of Phoenix, Texas A&M University referenced six articles published between 2005 and 2008