Communities for All Ages

Communities for All Ages –

Excelsior Springs received the Gold Level Certificate in January 2022 for our work with the Communities for All Ages Program. This program recognizes communities that have taken steps to make sure our community works for people of all ages.

Older adults are a valuable resource to the community, not only for their financial capital, but for their human capital, as typically each succeeding generation of older adults is better educated than the last.

A community that makes a concerted effort to provide the facilities and services needed by an older population may do a better job of retaining those who would otherwise decide to leave. Communities for All Ages promotes Aging in Place. As a CFAA Gold-level city, we are pursuing initatives that will make it easier for people to stay in their homes longer, and also be able to use public buildings and outdoor spaces more easily.

The Community for All Ages Program is focused on evaluating how well the following topic areas work for community members of all ages:
• Public outdoor spaces and buildings
• Housing and commercial development
• Transportation and mobility
• Social inclusion, communication and participation
• Civic participation and employment
• Community and health service.

The advantage of participating in the program is a more aware, well-planned community that meets the needs of all its residents.

Are you passionate about the needs of fellow community members of all ages? Come meet with the ES Aging Well task force on third Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. at the Community Center.

Park and Recreation response to community survey questions in 2023:

What Program or Activity would you like to see?

  • Movies in the Park has been added
  • We have offered competitive level sports
  • We have started more tennis camps and an adult program with tournament
  • The CC has offered several dance classes
  • The Senior Center is offering a wide variety of activities from arts/crafts to Wii bowling league to musical lessons

What facility improvement or development would you like to see in the next 5-10 years?

  • We are nearly complete with a new loop trail at Milwaukee St park space
  • We have resurfaced the Rainbow Trail and portions of East Valley Trail.  Also, the RAISE grant will add new trails & connection pieces to existing trails
  • We added a nature scape play feature at Eddie Raper Park
  • We have added Rainbow Splash Park (fully inclusive), and will be adding Siloam Springs Park soon.  Milwaukee St. park space will hopefully be open by the time the Strategic Plan ends in 2026.