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- Am I allowed a continuance? You are allowed ONE continuance prior to your first court date as long as there are no special circumstances such as cases in which a victim or witness have been subpoenaed. Continuances may be requested by contacting the court at 816.630.0209, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. No continuances will be granted after 4:00 pm on the Monday prior to your court date.
- Why does the Court Clerk/Traffic Violations Bureau window close at 3:00 pm on court dates? Our window closes at 3:00 pm on court dates because there is a lot of prep work that needs to happen prior to court. Between 3:00 – 3:30 pm, we make a deposit, count down our cash drawer, print final dockets and upload them to our website. Since our day to day office is in a location separate from the courtroom, we then load and cart all of our court files and documents over to the courtroom where we then have to prepare the courtroom. While the regular docket does not start until 5:30 pm, we hear in-custody cases, bond forfeiture hearings and revocation hearings beforehand.
- May I bring in my proof of insurance before my court date? No. You must appear in court on the date and time that was assigned to you whether you had insurance at the time of the stop or not. Upon proof of the proper insurance card, your ticket will either be dismissed by the City Prosecutor or you will be found not guilty by the Judge. Proof cannot be provided to the clerk ahead of time.
- May I meet/talk to the Judge or Prosecutor prior to court?
- No. Both the Judge and Prosecutor are only available on court nights.
- How long do I have to pay my fines and costs? Fines and costs are due the night you enter a guilty plea or are found guilty by the Judge unless you have entered into a payment agreement with the Court. A payment plan typically requires monthly payments and may require a probation term unless other arrangements are made by the Judge.
- How much are court costs? Standard court costs are $33.50 per offense. In addition to court costs, certain alcohol and drug related offenses may have recoupment costs assessed. These recoupment costs can range from $100-350 depending on the form of testing done.
- What payment methods are accepted for fines and costs? The Court accepts all payment methods: cash, check, money order and credit/debit cards.
- May I pay by phone or online? Yes. Pay online at
- Where is court located? The courtroom is located in the Hall of Waters building, 2nd floor – 201 E Broadway Avenue. We are only here for court sessions.
- The Office of the Municipal Court and Traffic Violations Bureau is located inside the Police Department – 301 S Main Street.
- I missed my court date! What do I do? Contact the court at 816.630.0209, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
- Do I need an attorney? You are not required to be represented by counsel, however, it is your right to retain an attorney.
- How do I apply for an attorney? Every defendant appearing in court has the right to retain an attorney. If the defendant is facing a possible jail sentence and cannot afford an attorney, the defendant should request to the Judge an appointment of counsel. You may be required to fill out paperwork and submit financial documents.
- Are municipal court violations misdemeanors? No. All charges filed in the municipal division are city ordinance violations; they are not misdemeanors.
- Will points be assessed on my driver’s license? Points are placed against your driving record by the Missouri Department of Revenue according to the type of violation. Click here for more information on what violations have points assessed: