Trials & Subpoenas

A subpoena is a legal order to appear in court at a specific date and time. Subpoenas are issued when a defendant pleads not guilty and wishes to have a trial. The court may issue subpoenas to complainants, witnesses, and victims. If you are served a subpoena, it will remain in effect until the case is concluded or you are discharged by the Court. No additional subpoena is required for your future appearance at any hearing of the case. If you fail to appear while under subpoena, you may be held in contempt of court and it may result in the issuance of a warrant for your arrest.

If you were subpoenaed to court, your case will be called at 5:30 p.m. The Judge will confirm that the case is still set for trial and then ask all parties to have a seat so the Prosecutor can review the file. Trials will then be held at the end of the docket.