Public Works

The Public Works Department is charged with construction and maintenance of public use areas, such as streets, water and sewer systems. There are six separate divisions within Public Works: Street, Water, Pollution Control, Refuse, Construction Services and Transportation.

• Street Department – Responsible for the reconstruction, repair and maintenance and snow removal of 82 miles of streets and roads, 10 bridges and 21 miles of storm drains within the city limits.

• Water Department – Operates the city’s water treatment plant, provides for the distribution of safe drinking water to area residents, commercial customers and wholesale water to surrounding communities, and maintains 117 miles of water mains, 4,207 service connections and 695 fire hydrants.

• Pollution Control – Maintains the waste water treatment plant, lagoons and overland flow system, 88 miles of sanitary sewer mains, 1,930 manholes, 3,877 service connections and 9 sewer lift stations.

• Refuse – The city contracts with Allied Waste to provide residential curbside pickup for household trash for all citizens. All trash and recycle carts must be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on trash day. Missed trash or recycle pickup? Click here for message. Download Bulky Item Drop Off information flyer.

Residential Refuse (effective January 1, 2024):
$25.00/month or part thereof for the first cart (per household)
$3.00/month for each additional cart (per household)

Note: Your trash cart and recycle cart are the property of Allied Waste. The carts are assigned to your address. If you move, you must notify the City and leave them at the address, otherwise payment for them could be reflected on your final utility bill.

• Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection – The City of Excelsior Springs is a member of the Regional Household Hazardous Waste Program, a service coordinated by the MARC Solid Waste Management District. Residents have year round access to the safe disposal of unwanted products such as paint, lawn and garden chemicals, automotive fluids, batteries, fluorescent bulbs and housecleaners. Business waste is NOT accepted. Residents can access the permanent facilities in Lee’s Summit and Kansas City. For more information, please visit and click on the “HHW” tab, or call 816-701-8226. The Kansas City permanent facility phone number is 816-513-8400 and is open on Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The facility is located at 4707 Deramus Avenue, Kansas City, MO. No appointment is necessary.

Download 2024 Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule

Download “Safe Alternatives to Common Household Chemicals” brochure

Download Republic Services 2025 Holiday Trash Service Schedule

• Construction Services – Provides construction support to other city departments. To view the cities construction standards and design criteria, view Development Construction Standards.

• Transportation – The City of Excelsior Springs operates the Excelsior Springs Transportation, a bus system providing quality and economical transport services for city residents.

• Stormwater – The growth of our city can increase the amount of stormwater runoff, especially during heavy rains and reduce downstream water quality. Minimizing these impacts requires careful stormwater management.

Useful Tips!

Clear Recycling Trash BagTo keep your recyclables from spilling when placed in or being unloaded from your curbside recycle cart, please place them in a clear trash bag, not black. This will allow the driver to see that the bag is not contaminated.

EPA WaterSense logoPlease visit EPA.Gov/Watersense to find useful water saving tips and reduce wasteful water use at home!