Embrace The Current

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The City of Excelsior Springs has announced a Pop-Up Event scheduled for Thursday, September 12, open to the public to learn more about the comprehensive planning process and provide feedback. The event will occur from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the lawn at the Hall of Waters as a come-and-go event.

As part of the development of a new comprehensive plan the planning team is asking you to participate in the “Conversation on the Lawn” Pop-Up event to set the vision for Excelsior Springs’ future. Community input is vital to successful comprehensive planning. The first step in the planning process is to gather public input so the city and project consultant have a better understanding of what the community desires for the future of Excelsior Springs. Join us as we share what we have heard to date, tell us what your vision and learn more about the planning process.

To be notified of project updates and to receive more details about upcoming engagement events as they become available visit www.excelsioracommunityrising.com. Sign up for project updates via email and/or text message by visiting the project website. To sign up for text message project alerts, text ExecelsiorRising to 888.521.3871 and follow the prompts.