Excelsior Springs is in the midst of their Comprehensive Planning process. The goal of the plan is to provide the community with a vision and plan that will be used to guide decision-making and development. The Plan will provide illustrative and inclusive frameworks for planning future growth of Excelsior Springs with collaboration from city staff, stakeholders and the public. The focus of the plan will be on land use, transportation, development patterns, housing types, infrastructure, and economic development.
Excelsior Springs has announced engagement opportunities to provide your vision for the future through a public survey available until March 14 at www.excelsioracommunityrising.com. Paper copies of the survey are available at the following locations:
- Hall of Waters, 201 E Broadway Street
- Excelsior Springs Community Center, 500 Tiger Drive
The public is encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas about what they would like to see in the plan. The city is also announcing a public open house and a virtual open house listed below that are schedule for February. The public is welcome to join Excelsior Springs representatives and the planning team in-person to learn more about the plan and share your thoughts and ideas. If you are unable to attend in-person, please make sure to participate in the virtual open house also at www.excelsioracommunityrising.com. Your input is vital to a successful project!
Public Open House #1
- In-person: February 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church
o Participants may come and go at their leisure – no formal presentation will be given
Public Open House #2 (virtual only)
- February 26 – March 12, 2025 via project website
For more information, please contact Melinda Mehaffy | 816.630.0756 | mmehaffy@excelsiorsprings.gov